Hey Holbrook! The Official Test Email

All the info in this newsletter is real (to our knowledge), but we're still considering it a test since this is our first try.


Hey Holbrook, thank you for trying out this newsletter. In today’s newsletter you’ll find some upcoming events, a two-minute summary of last night’s city council meeting (it’s more like 5), and an attached PDF featuring some local businesses and even a “featured adoptable pet of the week” (I’m still workshopping that name). Enjoy!

Upcoming Events in Holbrook, AZ:

Next Two weeks (June 13-27)

June 15: Flag Day Celebration. 11am. Old Courthouse Lawn

June 18: Free Community Class by SBDC (Lunch & Learn): Establishing a Digital Presence & Marketing. 12pm. Holbrook Chamber of Commerce.

June 21: Family Library Science Activity - “Ahoy Mateys.” 10:30am. Holbrook Public Library

June 21: Movie under the Stars. 6:30pm. Old Courthouse Lawn.

June 28 & Beyond:

June 28: Family Library Science Activity - “Color Lab.” 10:30am. Holbrook Public Library

July 2: African Music & Arts Village. 10am. Holbrook Public Library.

July 4: Family Bike Ride Parade and Carnival. Games start at 9am. Bike parade time forthcoming. Hunt Park.

July 19: End of Summer Bubble Party. 10am. Holbrook Public Library.

August 1: First Day of School

Don’t see your event listed? If it’s non-profit and for the whole community, we’ll probably list it for free*. Email us at [email protected] as soon as you can with the info! *We do reserve the right to not list any event if we feel it does not belong in this section.

Our Advertisers and Partners:

This week our advertisers are SEI Real Estate, Rt.66 Soda Shop, In Motion Physical Therapy, and a feature for the Holbrook Animal Shelter . Check them out here:

Ads and Promotions June 13, 2024.pdf189.32 KB • PDF File

If you want to become an advertiser during this starting-up period, we’ll probably give you a week for free! Contact us at [email protected] about the ad you are envisioning. We’re also planning on posting ads to our Facebook Page.

2-Minute Summary:

Holbrook City Council Meeting; June 12, 2024 -
Meeting Length: 2 hours; reading time (closer to 5 minutes)

I titled this before I wrote it. Let’s say 2 minutes is a future goal, this one is closer to 4 or 5 (sorry). There’s also zero promises that this will be unbiased (I’m not a journalist).

  • Requests from the public: (1) To consider having cameras/more security at the Holbrook gym and more attention paid to the maintenance-related supplies there. (2) To consider funding for the Sherriff’s Search and Rescue organization.

  • Travis Udall is the new CEO of the Little Colorado Medical Center (Winslow’s hospital). He expressed an interest in developing positive relationships in Holbrook. He asked the city council members what a top priority should be. Urgent care and dedicated, consistent clinic support were mentioned to him.

  • There was a presentation about the area’s economic development from RealAZ and how certain areas of Holbook have potential to bring in industries we often don’t think about such as Forestry Bio Mass Processing (Not the exact terminology used - sorry) and employment housing for those employees.

  • Daniel Hutchens of Joseph City wants to build an official Motocross track near Holbrook. Currently, the nearest one is in the valley. It’s estimated this can bring in a lot of dirt bike enthusiasts to our area and give a boost to the economy because they’ll be having official races and more. It’ll be built on land that’s hard to use for anything else really. Area in question is between the 77 and the 377 highways near the county. This area of land’s coding had to be changed from Industrial to Agricultural. It was unanimously passed with a round of applause afterwards.

  • There was also discussion about building/preparing land for a new RV Park up on the North side of town. Ms. Kelly Young-Hatch says it’s meant to be extra spacious to cater to larger RV’s carrying large hauling loads. There was extra emphasis on short-term stays and having a clean and professional looking area. To start this process, zoning had to be changed from residential to commercial and that was also passed.

  • There were more topics that were quickly passed that involved the City of Holbrook’s Employee Insurance. Trust me, not exciting. Or at least not as exciting as….

  • Hot Topic Alert! The city pool being open on Sundays and a phone line being available for public use. First: The current infrastructure at the pool does not currently support the ability to have a modern land line (even if there was one there before). Or at least, it’s to a point where it is not economically sensible to create that support. But(!), special arrangements have been made through Verizon and by the end of next week there will be a phone that kids (or the public in general) can use. The number will be 524-1010. Second: Can the pool be open on Sundays? General Consensus: While there is great public demand (and city council acknowledges that), it’s probably not going to happen in 2024. Why? Logistics. Lifeguard contracts and availability is a big one. Another is booking logistics; even if a day is removed from the middle of the week, swim lessons, swim team, and parties are already booked till the end of summer. Cleaning logistics were also discussed (Sunday is a big day for that). Topic was tabled. It was mentioned that it will be an important discussion that will happen in winter as they prepare policy for summer 2025. Give Councilwomen Pacheco and Tafoya credit, they were definitely asking a string of questions trying to come up with a creative way to make it work for 2024, but eventually the council had to move on.

  • Another anticipated announcement was the implementation of new lights at Hunt Park starting next week. Sounds like city staff will need to build some parts to make it work, but at least construction on those will begin soon.

  • End of meeting! Phew!

Okay…that was more than 2 minutes. Sorry. But hey, it was a 2-hour meeting. Hopefully next time I’m closer to the goal. Remember, don’t be mad at me, I’m not a journalist.


I was going to have an optional survey here but realized many of my questions were very broad and open-ended. It might be easier as an email. If you want to send your thoughts (what you liked, what you didn’t, ideas) to [email protected], I’ll read them and I’m open to suggestions! Thanks again for reading!